Here Are Some Superfoods to Boost Your Immune System

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We all want to be as healthy as we can possibly be. There’s nothing wrong with this. Exercise is an important part of our life because of this. It is why we do our best to eat balanced and nutritious meals. It’s not always easy, but this is one reason we make it a point to drink adequate amounts of water each day. We have been taught that this is what we must do to keep our body in optimum health.

However, is it enough when the weather changes and flu season arrives? Are the people at your workplace or school coming down with colds? Are you trying to avoid them so you don’t get sick? If you know how to strengthen your immune system, this is when to do it. And here are some superfoods that can help you accomplish this.

Try eating some Brazil Nuts! They are a wonderful source of selenium. Brazil Nuts are an important source of selenium. In reality, it would be hard to find a better natural source. Selenium is instrumental in protecting your cells from deterioration caused by free radicals. Selenium is a very important (source) component for fighting heart disease, many different infections, and even cancer cells. Sometimes a bacteria takes hold in your gut. Selenium fights this condition. You can add Brazil Nuts to a lot of the different foods that you are cooking. They go great in a salad. Brazil Nuts taste great when eaten on their own.

Did you know that the herb peppermint can boost your immune system and is considered a superfood? You may be surprised to know that peppermint is a great source of phosphorous, magnesium, and calcium. These are three very important nutrients necessary for keeping your immune system strong and healthy. Peppermint is so versatile. There are numerous ways to eat it during the day. Mint tea is very pleasant and aromatic. You can eat it in snack mints. You can add it to a salad. When you are making a stew, it makes a great addition to the flavor. If you want to include an herb in your diet that is very versatile, you will love peppermint. Try putting a few drops of peppermint essential oil into the next chocolate cake you bake for a surprising taste treat.

We don’t want to discriminate against vampires, but garlic is one of the best foods to boost your immune system. Garlic is full of nutrients that boost our immune systems, even though it may be somewhat strong smelling. The optimum way to get the best benefit from the nutrients in garlic is to eat it raw. It may seem strong, but if you want the best results, just chop up a fresh clove and swallow it down. If raw garlic just doesn’t appeal to you, you will still benefit by using it in your cooking. This will still help your immune system and your food will taste great. Garlic is great so don’t skimp on using it. The more you can consume, but more advantageous to your health. There are many good foods that can help you keep your immune system healthy. These nutrient rich foods are called "superfoods." This discussion of three of the immune-boosting superfoods is a good place to start building up your immune system. As you plan a more healthy diet that will keep your immune system strong, use these superfoods as the foundation. Search online for other superfoods, as well as herbs and spices, that will give you optimum health.