Incorporate Super Foods into Your Diet and Improve Your Memory

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Who wants to lose his or her memory? Nobody! Alzheimer’s is a disease that many wouldn’t want to have. This is one reason many people feel panicked when they step into a room and don’t know why or forget where they put their keys. It’s no fun when we can’t remember the name of someone we’ve known for years. The good news is that these kinds of memory lapses typically aren’t anything to worry about. And did you know that you can strengthen your memory? Eating memory super foods is one of them. Here are some of the foods you can eat when you want to improve your memory power.

Among the minerals that help improve brain function, calcium is one of the most important. Calcium is considered one of the brain’s building blocks. You need to correct your calcium deficiency if you’re not getting sufficient calcium in your diet. What you can do is add more dairy in your diet, as it’s a good source of calcium. However, leafy green vegetables are so much better and healthier so try eating more of those. If your doctor deems it safe for you, start taking calcium bicarbonate tablets on a daily basis.

Your diet needs to have more leafy green vegetables. The veggies you’re eating need to be dark leafy greens. Don’t worry; this isn’t hard to do. If you enjoy your salads, why not use mostly dark leafy green vegetables for your ingredients? You can get 15% of your daily vitamin E needs from one cup of raw spinach.

Leafy green vegetables have folates in them that are known to keep the brain working properly.

The healthy fats found in eggs will help in improving brain function. You can also get your protein from eggs. One of the best things about this particular super food is how easy it is to incorporate into the rest of your diet. You’ll find many foods you can prepare and eat that use eggs as an ingredient. Eggs can also be eaten on its own; there are many egg recipes out there.

You can do so many things to improve your memory. There’s no shortage of memory games and puzzles that you can play. You can also try brain exercises. You can also improve memory by making a change in your diet. You will find numerous foods that promote brain health. In this article, we shared a few of those super foods that help with memory. By doing some research, you’ll get to learn about other super foods that promote brain health.